Rustikaler, antiker Vasen-Übertopf aus Holz mit Fassdekor
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Rustikaler, antiker Vasen-Übertopf aus Holz mit Fassdekor
Genießen Sie den rustikalen Charme unseres Vasen-Pflanzgefäßes mit rustikalem antikem Holzfass-Dekor. Handgefertigt aus verwittertem Holz und mit rustikalen Akzenten strahlt dieses Fass ein Gefühl von robuster Eleganz aus. Verwenden Sie sie als dekorative Vase, um Ihre Lieblingsblumen in Szene zu setzen, oder als Pflanzgefäß, um Ihren Innen- oder Außenbereichen Leben einzuhauchen. Sein authentischer Vintage-Appeal verleiht jeder Umgebung einen Hauch von Nostalgie und natürlicher Schönheit und schafft eine warme und einladende Atmosphäre
Return & Exchange
Items purchased from DeKulture are eligible for free return/exchange, if returned within 7 days of delivery, and are in unused condition with original tags and intact packaging bag.
Exchanging for something else?
In case of an exchange, you are also allowed to choose a different product. If the value of the replacement product exceeds that of the previously purchased product, you can pay just the difference else if it's less, the same can be refunded to you as store credit/refund to your bank account.
Seamless shipping, wherever you are
At DeKulture, we believe that distance should never hinder you from experiencing the beauty of our products. That's why we offer free shipping across India, straight to your doorstep.
For our global customers, we understand that shipping costs may vary depending on the country of delivery. However, we promise to provide you with the most reasonable rates possible.
Please note that international orders do not include duties and taxes. But don't worry, we've got your back. We'll make sure to guide you through the process to make it as smooth and easy as possible.